Saturday, 12 January 2013

Chapter 24 Taken? Part One

A/N: FSOG trilogy belongs to E. L. James this story belongs to me!
So happy New year people! This is part one, I'm wanting to do part two in Christian's POV I would appreciate feedback on this decision as its not written yet. I thought I'd make this a two parter so that you get an update today. x
As always

I drop the phone back onto the cradle. My hands are shaking. I feel faint but
"Pull yourself together Ana" I mutter to myself. I spoke to Christian? Something isn't right here... Taylor, he's meant to be outside for me. I rush out the door to find him waiting at the kerb.
"Taylor, where did Christian tell you to take me?"
"To your parents home ma'am"
"What we're your orders after that? Did you speak to him? When did you last see him?" The questions flow out my mouth as fast as I think of them.
"Miss Steele get in the car and I'll answer as I drive" I get in the car realizing that I'm creating a bit of a scene, I spot a couple of photographers across the street. Once I'm safely inside Taylor gets in, I hop from the back seat to the front.
"Taylor Jack Hyde called me."He audibly gasps
"When ma'am?"
"Just after Christian, from Christian's phone." He slams on the breaks. He turns and stares at me.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, I switched off my mobile and called him from a payphone and Hyde answered"
"Switch your cell on, now Ana, I need to check your calls." He parks the car up a side street and examines my phone
"Sorry, I dropped it" I explain the scuffles and the crack across the screen.
"Don't worry about it. I'll call Welch." He produces his own phone and dials a number
"Yeah. I need a list of all calls made to and from miss Steele's phone since she got it."
"No problem I'll email you do I cc in Mr Grey?"
"No, but you can get me the same info for his phone too. I also need the tracker activated on his phone and the coordinates sent to my Sat nav."
"I hope you know what your doing tracking him Taylor he'll be pissed when he finds out"
"No he won't" I say quietly
"Miss Steele?"
"Sorry ma'am, I will send the information as soon as I have it. The coordinates are in the Sat nav now for you"
"Thank you Mr Welch"
"Of course ma'am"
Taylor ends the call, nice habit he has in common with Christian!
"Is he at home Taylor?"
"His phone is on the move ma'am but we will head to the house to see if he's there"
I sit frozen in my seat. We pull up outside a beautiful large house much more befitting of Christian Grey than my wee flat!
"Wait here ma'am"
"Will I shite! I'm coming with you, your not leaving me outside by myself!"
"Mr Grey won't like this"
"Do I look like I give a fuck? I'm going in the house because that is where he is and if he's not then I'm calling the police!"
Taylor backs down and opens the front door. The house is badly torn up the paper Haas been ripped off the walls in places, the contents of the drawers are split all over the floor. I look over at Taylor he motions to me to get behind him. I follow him up the grand staircase, he motions me to stand at the side of the door he kicks it open flashing his gun around he motions me into the room, that I can now see is an office. I shudder involuntarily the room is destroyed the ornate mahogany desk is tipped over and all the furniture has been toppled every drawer emptied all over the floor and there are slashes through the paintings. There is a sheet of paper and a Polaroid picture stapled to the back of the door.
Ana I have Christian all tied up here just for you. I'm coming for you baby x
The picture is of Christian tied to a bed wearing only his boxers with large red welts across his chest. I recognise the room instantly.
"Taylor call the police. This picture was taken in my flat in Kate's room."
"Yes ma'am" He pulls out his phone and makes a few calls. Within half an hour the place is bursting at the seams with police and security never mind the forensic scientists. I huddle on the stairs keeping out of the way. I feel a hand on my shoulder and look up to see Kate she wraps me up in her arms while I see Carrick and Elliot talking to a police officer. They motion at me, the officer nods and heads towards me.
"Miss Steele?"
"I need to know everything that happened today up until you arrived here, we can do this here or at the station it's up to you."
"I'd rather do it here. Can Carrick, I mean Mr Grey stay with me?"
"Yes, your not in any trouble. I just need a statement now if we have questions we will contact you"
I tell him everything from the moment we left my flat earlier today up till now. He just nods and hmmm' s from time to time. Carrick holds my hand giving me reassuring squeezes.
"Thank you Miss Steele, that's very helpful"
"Why is Jack Hyde out of jail? I thought he was to stay in custody till the trial then be extradited to the USA?" He looks at me puzzled.
"Mr Hyde is in custody as far as I'm aware ma'am, I will have that checked for you though." He moves away and talks into his radio. He comes back after a while.
"So?" I ask impatiently.
"He made bail two days ago." I look at Carrick he's as shocked as me.
"Why weren't we informed?"
"I'm unsure ma'am"
"Have you checked my flat yet?"
"The forensics team is there now, is there somewhere else you can stay. As it's a crime scene we will need it for a few days and we will need here longer as this is the site of the abduction" abduction! I burst into tears. I have nowhere to go and my boyfriend has been abducted! Carrick holds me
"Ana will be staying with us tonight" I sob as my emotions reek havoc on my body.
"Where is he? Do you have any ideas?"
"I'm sorry Miss Steele I have no information to share at the moment, I suggest you get some rest tonight and we will be in touch." Fucking police, they are as useful as chocolate teapots! Carrick leads me out the house to the car, Kate and Elliot are waiting in the back. Taylor jumps in and sets off to the Grey's house. The drive is long and almost silent, the only interruption being my sobs on Kate's knee. When we pull up Grace is standing waiting for us.
"Is there any news?"
"Not yet Ana." She apologises. I can see her eyes rimmed red where she's been crying. I hug her tight and Carrick gently manoeuvres us into the hallway. When we separate Kate pulls me up the stairs.
"I'm staying with you tonight." She says in her don't argue with me tone and for a moment I feel sorry for Elliot, I'm pretty sure he can manage her though! I let her lead me into a large bedroom with a king size bed in it. She changes into a pair of jammas and helps me do the same. I feel like the light at the core of me has been put out, and I'm falling into the darkness. I know I have to snap out of this soon or I'll be no help to Christian. I look up at Kate feeling the tears spilling down my face
"He proposed Kate. The night you and Elliot got engaged. In the toilet, I said it wasn't romantic enough and told him to do better. I want to turn the clock back and say yes, I love him Kate with every fibre of my being!" I'm almost screaming now, then it hits me, I run to the toilet as the wave of nausea takes its toll on my body. Kate stands behind me stroking my hair and making soothing noises at me.
"We will find him Ana! Then we can have a double wedding"
"I hope your right Kate but no double wedding, he was taken because of me he's not going to want anything to do with me after this!" I sob louder.
Grace enters the room and has a hushed chat with Kate the next thing I feel is a jab in the arm before my body drifts off into unconsciousness.
When I open my eyes it's daylight. I reach over to feel Christian and instead I find an empty space, the night before comes crashing back into my mind. I vow to myself that I'm not going to cry. I'm not weak, I'm bloody strong and I'm gonna find my man and bring him home. I climb weakly out of the bed, my body isn't quite reacting as it should, the memory of Grace and a sharp sting comes to mind. She must have drugged me! I rummage about for clothing but find none, there is a housecoat on the back of the door so I slip it on over my nightware and make my way downstairs. I find my way to the kitchen and see Gail and Taylor talking quickly they stop as soon as I enter the room. Gail ushers me to the nearest chair.
"Ana, what can I get you this afternoon?" Afternoon?
"How long have I been asleep or should that be drugged for? And where the Fuck are my clothes?" I shout making my fury evident.
"I was just going to bring you something Ana. Dr Trevelyn said to leave you alone that you needed your rest to be strong for Christian" she says quietly.
"Miss Steele here you go." He hands me a bag with a fresh outfit and my phone in it.
"There is a bathroom in there, I'll run you a bath while you eat" Gail pushes a plate of macaroni cheese in front of me with a cup of tea before she hurries into the bathroom. I can smell the aroma of magnolia eliminating from the room. I eat my food slowly.
"Miss Steele, Ana, I have some leads to follow up I wasn't willing to leave you though. I have three of our best over Sawyer, you already know, Ryan and Prescott. They will accompany you everywhere as there is a major threat against you."
"Christian knew he was coming for him didn't he?" Taylor drops his head in confirmation. "Of all the stupid things to do! I'm guessing he knew that Hyde was out on bail?"
"Yes" I get the sudden urge to punch something, I slam my fist into the wall.
"Why the fuck would he do this to me?"
"He has a plan Ana. Admittedly it has gone slightly wrong, but he did this to protect you."
"Is Mia involved?" That bitch has had it in for me for a long time maybe Hyde is the reason?
"Not that I'm aware of Ana. Miss Grey is upstairs and rather upset." Huh? She doesn't seem to be the type to actually give a fuck about someone else! Gail emerges from the bathroom
"Baths all ready for you Ana, do you need anything else?" I love Gail she's not that much older than me and treats me like her little sister.
"I should be fine, if my legs will cooperate!" I give her a small smile "thanks Gail" I walk into the bathroom. Gail has lit tealights on the shelves and made the room all soft and glowy. I immerse myself in the water trying to soak in all that Taylor said. I still feel a bit groggy and the steam in here is not helping, I feel my eyelids drooping and my mind wondering. I jump when I choke on a mouthful of water. I climb weakly out of the bath, coughing and splattering. Gail knocks at the door
"Ana? Ana? Are you alright?"
"Yeah I'm out the bath, I just choked on a bit of water I'll be out in a minute"
I quickly dry my body and put on my underwear before I kneel at the side of the tub and wash my hair, I wrap it up in a towel turban and put on the rest of my clothes, a pretty pale blue blouse and a pair of black skinny jeans. I take a look in the mirror, my skin is white and eyes are red and puffy. I give my hair a quick fluff with a towel and head back to the kitchen. Gail has been joined by Grace, Kate and Mia and they all look as awful as what I just saw reflected back at me in the mirror.
"Is there any news?" I see the nervous glances being cast between them, oh shit what now?

Hope you liked! Have a great 2013! Hope you have as much hogmanay fun as I intend to!
Please leave a review
See you in 2013
CarrieJ x

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